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What is cloud website hosting actually

Cloud hosting is a quite popular phrase these days. Nevertheless, just a few understand what it does indeed stand for. Most of the website hosting distributors speculate intensely about solutions characterized as being 'cloud hosting'. Above all the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting merchandisers. Because of the absolute shortage of original business views, the cPanel web hosts are simply utilizing modish phrases, attempting to allure more web site hosting customers with subtle marketing techniques.

cPanel - a one server website hosting solution

In brief, cPanel is a single server hosting platform. One web server serves all web hosting services at the very same time. On the contrary, the cloud hosting platform requests each single web hosting service, like storage space, email, FTP, databases, DNS, stats, CP, backup, etc. to be served by separate packs of cutting-edge servers in a cluster. All the clusters create the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the above-mentioned web hosting services are all being served simultaneously by 1 single web server. All this goes to say that no 'clouds' can be discovered around cPanel-based web site hosting corporations. Not even one single cloud...

The big marketing fraud with cloud website hosting accounts

Be cautious with the multiple bogus statements promising you 'cloud hosting' packages, chiefly spread by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel web hosting supplier conceitedly states that a 'cloud' website hosting service is being proffered, examine whether it's not a mist or a smog first. Nearly everyone speculates with the word 'cloud', eventually counting on the fact that most of the users do not know what it does in fact mean.

Let's be more optimistic and get back to the authentic cloud hosting services.

Hepsia - a cloud hosting Control Panel environment

Hepsia is a last generation cloud web space hosting solution coupled with a powerful easy-to-use website hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud web hosting solution and the corresponding hosting CP are invented by - a leading reseller hosting distributor ever since year 2003. Unfortunately, it's an indeed unusual circumstance to find a web hosting firm delivering a cloud site hosting platform on the market. For unfamiliar reasons, Google prefers cPanel-based web space hosting vendors chiefly. That is the reason why we think it's commendable for people in search of a webspace hosting solution to be a little bit more aware of the Hepsia cloud hosting solution.

Hepsia - the multi-server cloud hosting platform

Each web page hosting service drop in Hepsia's 'cloud' is handled by an autonomous group of web servers, devoted exclusively to the particular service at hand, sharing out the load produced. So, the webspace hosting Control Panel is being attended to by an independent stack of web servers, which serve the web site hosting Control Panel solely and nothing beside it. There is another group of web servers for the email, one more for the disk storage, another for the backup, one more for the statistics, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, etc. All these hosts of servers work as one complete webspace hosting service, the so-called 'cloud web hosting' service.

Hepsia-based cloud site hosting distributors

The list with the Hepsia-based web hosting companies is not that bulky. The most popular names on it are ResellersPanel, NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback and several others.